Saturday, October 14, 2017

September Meeting Recap

Hey CMQGers, if you made it to Sew Boston yesterday than you may have seen our so-close-to-completion QuiltCon quilt top! It was a lovely day of sewing and surprises. A big thanks to Crosscut Sewing Co, Gather Here, Moda Fabrics, Robert Kaufman, Violet Craft, and C&T Publishing for supplying the prizes, as well as CMQG members Gwen, Patrice, and Stephanie for donating to the cause of WINNING.

Quick reminders while we have you here: you may now register for more than one Anna Maria Horner workshops - head over to the events page to sign up (I promise, the buttons are working correctly now). We are looking forward to seeing what you all did for the triangle challenge in a couple of weeks - you still have time to create a top - I should know, I started mine yesterday!

I was sorry to miss the September meeting, but it sounds like it was a lovely mix of Rebecca's needle-turn applique presentation, socializing and some great show and tell:

Hildy's Nespresso capsule experiment. Ridiculously cool!
Jen started this quilt at Quilt Camp 2017. It's fabulous.

Regina chose to add the solids on the diagonal,
which settles the eye on the super-cute owls and the masterful block piecing.

Carolyn's been working on this colorful sampler this summer. Wow!

And here's Carolyn's sneak peak at her triangle challenge quilt.
We saw more of this project at Sew Boston?

Triangles for Taz's baby!

Congratulations Taz! Baby comes to his first CMQG meeting dressed in style....
Styles for those little baby burps.....
Mark your calendars for our next sew-in (Lexington Community Center, 11/11 9-4:45), and we'll see you at the meeting on October 29th.

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